Regional / Global Ministries

Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women share the good news of Jesus Christ and witness to the promise of God’s kingdom.  First Presbyterian supports both the regional and national Presbyterian Women, and have a vibrant ministry with women with 4 active circles that meet monthly.

New Castle Presbytery

New Castle Presbytery consists of 51 congregations and connected ministries located in Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

Presbyterian Church (USA)

The PC (USA) serves Christ in the world. Following Jesus, Presbyterians are engaged in the world and in seeking thoughtful solutions to the challenges of our time.  Through them First Presbyterian advocates for peace, justice, ecological issues globally through direct support for mission staff around the world.

One Great Hour of Sharing

First Presbyterian Church receives offerings yearly to support their One Great Hour of Sharing hunger and crisis ministries globally.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance witnesses to the healing love of Jesus Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events like floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes, both within the United States and around the world.

Missionaries Reverend Bob and Kristi Rice

Bob and Kristi Rice began in January 2010 as mission workers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where they served with the Presbyterian Community of Congo (CPC) as consultants and colleagues with an active involvement in visioning and implementing new initiatives in Christian education and evangelism, and assisting in the areas of reconciliation, care for vulnerable children, and helping community development initiatives seeking to lift up the poor.

In May 2017, they began a new role and call in South Sudan. Bob serves as a faculty member at Nile Theological College (NTC).  He teaches courses in Theology, Church History, and Discipleship.  His passion is to empower and equip emerging church leaders and to instruct them in a manner which is contextually relevant and helpful.  Kristi serves as an economic and development advisor for the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church. She supports the healing and reconciliation ministry of the church and the equipping of congregations to improve health and wellbeing in their communities. They live in Juba, the capital city.

Missionary Doug Dicks

In his role as facilitator for education for justice and peacemaking, Doug Dicks connects PC(USA) congregations and councils with indigenous Christians in Israel and Palestine. Doug’s extensive experience in the region as a PC(USA) regional liaison for Israel, Palestine and Jordan, mission co-worker, and peacemaking consultant and facilitator furthers his capacity to educate PC(USA) constituencies on the contextual realities of the churches’ witness in the region.

Through photography and information-sharing, Doug shepherds congregations and councils through the process of preparing for pilgrimages and other study trips. Doug’s work enables the larger PC(USA) community to advocate for peace and justice in Israel and Palestine.