Dinanga Church

In March 2004 Rev. Steve Hundley, a former pastor of First Pres Church, visited the Presbyterian Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with a team from New Castle Presbytery for the partnership with Kananga Presbytery. This relationship continues between our two Presbyteries to this day. While that trip and others since included visits with a number of churches, Rev. Hundley initiated a particular relationship with one of them, Dinanga Church, which has become a “sister church” to First Pres.

Dinanga church is located in the city of Kanaga, within the Democratic Republic of the Congo. While the people of that church may be challenged by economic, political, and environmental challenges, they are rich with spiritual blessings and service to their community in the name of the Lord. Some of their routine ministries include feeding prisoners, helping widows and orphans, and supporting those injured and damaged by violence.

An important part of the church is its associated school which provides education and training for the local children and youth. Over the years, our church has provided help for construction, equipment, and routine supplies used by the church and school. More recently, we helped with expansion of the school to include a new computer center, kindergarten room, a room for sewing projects, and money for scholarships. Outside of the school, donations also have helped prevent land losses to erosion and land slides, dig new wells, and build water tanks.